QIUB celebrates World Environment Day launching a new sustainable grinder!

Biobased Grinder

We only have one planet Earth. We must protect it together, because it is our home.

The deterioration of the natural habitat caused by climate change is threatening the diversity of plants and animals that surround us.

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5, an event with which the United Nations aims to promote the generation of actions in defence of the natural environment and the planet. In this way, it aims to encourage and show that everyone can do something for the Earth.

At Qiub Packaging we want to do our part. Therefore, in addition to developing salt and spice grinders made out of materials that are 100% recyclable, 100% recycled and reusable, we wanted to go a step further. We have developed bio-based grinders.

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World Recycling Day

Recycled Grinders

Every year, the Earth produces billions of tonnes of natural resources that at some point in the near future could be exhausted in a linear economy – in which every manufactured product ends up being discarded, falling outside of the production cycle.

This economic model, based on the intensive consumption of all kinds of raw materials, has a serious impact on the Environment. It destroys natural environment to obtain new resources, but also it generates huge waste that either ends up being incinerated, increasing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, or ends up in landfills or oceans around the world.

UNESCO designated 17th May as World Recycling Day. A milestone to draw attention to the waste of natural resources and to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the planet by recycling, taking advantage of the high value that the generated «waste» has within a circular economy model.

The recent pandemic situation and lockdown made people to be more aware of the consequences of human activity on the Environment. We are therefore facing a new era with increased environmental awareness and unimaginable opportunities to help make the Earth a more sustainable place.


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Día Mundial del Reciclaje

Recycled Grinder

Cada año, la Tierra produce miles de millones de toneladas de recursos naturales que en algún momento, en un futuro no muy lejano, podrían agotarse en una economía lineal, en la que todo producto fabricado acaba siendo desechado, saliendo del ciclo productivo.

Este modelo económico, basado en un consumo intensivo de materias primas de todo tipo, tiene un grave impacto sobre el medio ambiente, por la destrucción del medio natural para la obtención de nuevos recursos, pero también por la generación de residuos que, o bien acaban siendo incinerados, aumentando las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera, o bien acaban alimentando los vertederos de todo el mundo.

La UNESCO nombró el 17 de mayo como el Día Mundial del Reciclaje. Un hito para llamar la atención sobre el derroche de recursos naturales y con el objetivo de concienciar a las personas sobre la importancia de proteger el planeta mediante el reciclaje, aprovechando el alto valor que los “residuos” generados tienen dentro de un modelo de economía circular.

La reciente situación de pandemia y el confinamiento, han provocado que las personas seamos más conscientes sobre las consecuencias de la actividad humana en el medioambiente. Por ello, nos enfrentamos a una nueva era con una mayor sensibilización medioambiental y oportunidades inimaginables para ayudar a hacer de la Tierra un lugar más sostenible.

¿Pero qué es el reciclaje y sobre todo por qué es importante reciclar?

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Good for you, Good for our Mother Earth

Sustainable Grinders

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd, with the aim of raising awareness and sensitising people about environmental problems by promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

What we eat and how we prepare it not only has a significant impact on our health, but also on the climate.

Sustainable nutrition in its holistic understanding includes how food is grown, fished, processed, packaged, transported and stored.

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World Nature Conservation Day

The traditional consumer habits based on “use and throw away culture” is causing that humanity takes planet Earth to an extreme situation.

For this reason, it is becoming increasingly necessary to create more sustainable products, which means that we must to create products that can either be reusable, or that are manufactured with 100% recyclable and/or recycled 100% PCR materials.

Products, in essence, that reduce the amount of waste generated, decrease pollution and protect Nature by allowing to extend the useful life of goods created by humanity, including their packaging.

Fortunately, we can still take the appropriate measures to build a more sustainable future, but the truth is that time is running out and we cannot just talk about the situation, we have to take action.

Our commitment.

For this reason, at QIUB Packaging we continue to work hard on the creation of sustainable products, such as the new ceramic grinder – a packaging solution for a reusable grinder that can be manufactured even with recycled 100% PCR materials, giving a new life to an already discarded bottle, turning it into a new reusable item and extending its useful life.

In short, we offer a large range of salt and spice grinders that reflects our commitment to protecting nature.

For more information about our range of sustainable grinders, contact us here.

QIUB Packaging revalidates the BRC certification with the highest score

QIUB Packaging has recently revalidated the prestigious “BRC for Packaging” certification, obtaining the AA ratingthe highest score on the demanding update 6 of the standard. This version places greater emphasis on management’s commitment, by establishing a program that pursues the safety of manufactured products, thanks to the analysis of risks and hazards and supporting a quality management system. At the same time, it promotes greater transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain, and introduces a new fundamental clause regarding the implementation of corrective and preventive actions, to address problems and minimize the risk or their occurring.

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Global Recycling Day : Join the 3R’s Challenge!

Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day was established by UNESCO on the 17th of May as a day to remember and make the community aware about the growing need of recycling and reducing their environmental impact as much as possible.

This day is marked on the calendar, therefore, as a key milestone to redirect the habits of international society towards practices that help to slow down climate change.

However, in order to enable citizens’ efforts to materialize in effective recycling, companies must contribute to this aim by creating widely recyclable products.

Our commitment.

For this purpose, at QIUB Packaging we have invested many resources in recent years in R&D, to adapt our offer to the demands of society and nature. The result has been a range of grinders for spices and salts based on the 3R philosophy and providing added value to our clients: Continuar leyendo «Global Recycling Day : Join the 3R’s Challenge!»

Visit us at INTERPACK!

We will exhibit our latest developments in packaging at the Interpack 2017 Fair in Dusseldorf from the 25th February to the 3rd March 2021, at booth H19 in Hall 9. We will show our new ranges of grinders for salts and spices developed in response to consumer requirements by offering to our clients the largest range of mills for a circular economy.

Our wide variety of customizable grinders characterized by the 3R’s philosophy (recyclable, recycled, reusable) and their optimum performance, thanks to the state-of-the-art engineering design of each component and the application of laboratory methods that allow us to manufacture top-quality grinders for the perfect milling of all kinds of spices and salts.

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